How Much Does Evri Pay Per Parcel?

Evri (formerly Hermes) relies on thousands of self-employed couriers to deliver parcels to customers across the UK. However, the parcel delivery firm has faced ongoing controversy regarding how much it pays couriers per package delivered. This article will provide an in-depth look at Evri’s courier pay structure and why many drivers feel it results in low earnings and difficult working conditions.

How the Evri Courier Pay Model Works

Unlike couriers who earn an hourly wage, Evri pays its drivers per parcel delivered. According to drivers, the amount paid per parcel is extremely low, with some earning just 60p-£1 per delivery. Evri has claimed that couriers earn in excess of the National Minimum Wage on average, but drivers dispute this.

The per parcel pay rate varies based on factors like route type, location and delivery vehicle used. Urban routes tend to pay less than rural ones. Larger vehicles allow more parcels per load, increasing earning potential. But exactly how much couriers are paid per parcel remains opaque, with a lack of transparency from Evri.

This pay structure means earnings depend entirely on parcel volumes. Couriers receive no compensation for time spent sorting parcels, traveling between deliveries or other necessary tasks. The pressure to deliver high volumes quickly impacts working conditions.

Criticisms of the Evri Courier Pay Structure

Many Evri couriers have described being treated “like slaves” under this controversial pay structure. Here are some of their most common criticisms:

  • Per parcel rates are too low, making it very difficult to exceed minimum wage even when working long hours
  • No payment for time spent sorting parcels, loading vehicles, traveling etc which takes up significant time
  • Huge variations in earnings depending on route type, location and parcel volumes outside courier control
  • Encourages couriers to skip breaks and drive dangerously in order to increase delivery speeds and volumes
  • Provides no sick pay, holiday pay or other employment rights and protections
  • Leads to unmanageable workloads and intense pressure, especially during peak periods
  • Lack of communication from Evri about changes to routes, backlogs and delivery volumes
  • Depots understaffed, resulting in insufficient support for couriers

While Evri contends that most couriers earn well above minimum wage, drivers argue this is impossible without working extreme hours under intense pressure.

What Do Evri Couriers Earn on Average?

It’s difficult to determine exactly how much Evri couriers earn on average because pay is entirely volume based rather than salaried. Couriers report needing to work 6-7 days per week and deliver hundreds of parcels daily to make a decent living.

One Evri courier told Manchester Evening News he earns about £800 a month working 6 days per week. Another said he worked every day from October 25th to Christmas Eve, delivering up to 500 parcels daily, just to earn £2,400 over two months.

These earnings indicate couriers make well below the minimum wage when all working time is accounted for. Drivers state the only way to earn reasonable pay is to work inhumane hours under extreme pressure and skip breaks.

The Impact on Couriers’ Working Conditions

The Evri pay structure has created working conditions that many couriers describe as intolerable:

  • Standing outside for hours manually loading hundreds of parcels regardless of weather conditions
  • No choice over routes and inability to reject unrealistic delivery volumes
  • No access to rain shelters, toilet facilities, or rest breaks while out completing deliveries
  • Under constant pressure to deliver ever increasing volumes in compressed time frames
  • Workloads increase dramatically during peak periods like Christmas without additional compensation
  • Depots understaffed, resulting in huge backlogs and delays
  • Lack of communication from Evri about changes to routes, volumes etc.
  • Forced to work long hours and skip breaks to earn minimum wage

These conditions take an immense physical and mental toll on couriers. But drivers say they have no choice due to the low per parcel pay rates.

Potential Improvements to Evri’s Courier Pay Structure

To improve conditions and earnings for its couriers, Evri could:

  • Increase per parcel pay rates to realistically reflect time spent on all delivery activities
  • Introduce a cap on maximum daily volumes to prevent unmanageable workloads
  • Provide guaranteed hourly pay rates for time spent sorting parcels, traveling etc
  • Give couriers more discretion to reject overloaded routes and volumes
  • Improve communication and transparency around route allocation, backlogs etc.
  • Offer sick pay, holiday pay and other basic protections
  • Invest in parking, loading and parcel sorting facilities to support couriers

These changes would help transform perceptions of Evri as an exploitative employer. Fair per parcel pay matched with workload protections would demonstrate meaningful commitment to its courier workforce.


In summary, many Evri couriers report earning well below minimum wage and suffering difficult working conditions due to the company’s per parcel pay structure. Low rates per delivery pressure drivers into working extremely long hours under intense pressure.

While Evri disputes these claims, a lack of pay transparency and data makes such assertions impossible to verify. Implementing improved pay rates and working condition protections would help address these issues – and bolster Evri’s reputation as an ethical delivery firm.

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