What Does “Departure from Outward Office of Exchange” Mean for Your Package?

Seeing the status “Departure from outward office of exchange” can be confusing if you’ve ordered a package from Japan. This article will explain what it means and what the next steps are. With around 10 million packages shipped from Japan annually, knowing the meaning of tracking statuses is key.

What is the Outward Office of Exchange in Japan?

The outward office of exchange in Japan is usually operated by Japan Post and is located at an international airport. It is the location where international packages first enter the export process in the origin country.

When your package arrives at the outward office of exchange, it means it is now leaving Japan and will be sent to your destination country. This is an important step that indicates the package has been accepted for export.

Why Does My Tracking Say “Departure from Outward Office of Exchange”?

If your tracking shows this status, it means your package has left the outward office of exchange. It has likely undergone customs checks and been scanned by Japan Post.

The package is now released for export and handed over to the airline for transportation. This is a crucial point in the delivery process.

What Happens After the Outward Office of Exchange in Japan?

Once the package departs the outward office of exchange, a few things happen:

Export Customs Checks

All international packages undergo customs checks before export. This ensures prohibited or restricted items are not shipped illegally. Customs may physically inspect the package and paperwork.

Security Screening

Your package will go through an x-ray scanner to check for any dangerous or hazardous materials. This is an important security measure.

Handover to Airline

After clearing customs and security, Japan Post will hand over the package to the airline for transportation. The airline becomes responsible for your package.

Flight Departure

The package will be loaded onto the scheduled flight to your destination country. The airline will scan it upon loading to update the tracking status.

What’s the Timeline After Departure from Outward Office?

The time it takes after leaving the outward office depends on:

  • Flight duration and availability
  • Customs procedures in your country
  • Local postal service efficiency

But you can expect:

  • Flight departure within 1-3 days
  • Arrival at destination country within 3-7 days
  • Delivery within 2 weeks total

This isn’t guaranteed and could take longer depending on multiple factors.

What Does It Mean If My Package Stays at “Departure from Outward Office” for Many Days?

If your tracking status remains at “Departure from outward office of exchange” for longer than expected, don’t panic yet. Here are some potential reasons:

Delay in Flight Departure

The airline could have delayed the scheduled flight due to weather, operational issues, or lack of cargo space. This will push back the flight departure and transit time.

Peak Season Delays

During peak shopping periods like Christmas, flight capacity can get very tight. Packages may wait days for available cargo space. This causes outbound congestion.

Issue with Paperwork

Very rarely, there may be a problem with the customs paperwork that needs resolving before the package can ship. This can lead to days of delay.

Problem Scanning the Package

If the barcode is damaged or unreadable, the package may not get scanned properly upon airline handover. It can remain stuck on the “Departure” scan status.

When Should I Start Worrying About My Package from Japan?

As a rule of thumb, it’s advisable to wait at least 10 days after the package leaves the outward office before following up. This accounts for standard delays and transit time.

However, if you notice any of the below, it’s recommended to contact the seller earlier:

  • The scheduled flight already departed days ago
  • The tracking shows no updates after departure scan
  • It’s been over 3 weeks with no delivery

The seller can contact Japan Post to investigate further. Make sure to communicate politely and cooperate with their requests.

How Do I Track My Package from Japan?

Japan Post will provide a tracking number or EMS code. You can track your package on their website. Some other sites that let you track Japan packages include:

  • AfterShip
  • 17Track
  • USPS (if delivering in the U.S.)
  • Royal Mail (if delivering in the UK)

Save the tracking number and check it regularly for status updates. Pay attention after the outward office departure scan.

What If I Don’t Receive My Package from Japan?

If weeks pass after the departure scan with no delivery confirmation, it likely means the package is lost or significantly delayed. A few options to consider:

Contact the seller – Politely inform them you haven’t received the package. Provide the tracking number and ask them to follow up with Japan Post.

Dispute a claim – If you paid by credit card or through a site like Paypal, open a dispute. This lets you claim a refund for an undelivered package.

Check for delays – Look for Japan Post or airline advisories about delays or suspensions to your destination. The package may still arrive eventually.

Consider a mail search – Japan Post can conduct a formal search for missing international mail. The seller would need to initiate this. It takes time but may locate the package.

With no delivery in 6 weeks despite a departure scan, it’s reasonable to request a reshipment or refund from the seller.

Top Things to Remember About “Departure from Outward Office” Status

If your Japan package tracking shows this status, keep these key points in mind:

  • It means your package has left Japan and entered the export journey
  • Customs checks and security screening have been completed
  • The airline will now take custody of the package
  • Actual flight departure may take 1-3 days more
  • Arrival in your country can take 3-7 days after airline handover
  • Don’t worry if not delivered within 10 days of departure scan
  • Contact seller if no updates in 2-3 weeks to investigate
  • Keep monitoring the tracking number for next steps
  • Have patience but follow up if it’s been over 6 weeks

The “Departure from outward office of exchange” update is a great sign your package is on its way. Just remember international deliveries can be dynamic. Stay positive and proactive if it seems delayed. With good communication, you’ll receive your Japan package soon!

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