Can I Mail License Plates? A Guide to Sending Plates Through the Mail

Sending license plates through the mail is a common need for many vehicle owners. While it may seem like an unusual item to ship, mailing plates is allowed in most cases. This guide will explain everything you need to know about mailing license plates – from how to package them to working with the DMV and USPS to ensure proper delivery.

Why You Might Need to Mail License Plates

There are a few common scenarios that require mailing license plates:

  • Moving to another state and needing to return old plates
  • Sending plates to a new vehicle owner after selling a car
  • Temporary out-of-state registration requiring plates to be mailed back home

Knowing the reasons plates need to go through the mail can help guide the process.

Checking Regulations on Mailing Plates

The first step is making sure mailing license plates is allowed in your state. Most states permit mailing plates, but some have restrictions. Check your local DMV website or contact them to confirm regulations.

Properly Packaging Your Plates for Shipment To The DMV

Once you know mailing plates is allowed, the next step is packing them correctly. Here are some tips:

  • Place the plates flat between two sturdy pieces of cardboard to prevent bending
  • Wrap them in bubble wrap or paper to prevent scratches
  • Use strong tape to secure the cardboard pieces together
  • Consider using a box instead of a padded envelope for further protection

Sending Plates Through USPS, UPS, or FedEx

You can ship license plates through USPS, UPS, or FedEx. USPS First Class mail is the most affordable option while Priority Mail offers faster delivery with tracking.

Be sure to insure the package and get tracking for safety. Check with each carrier about specific requirements for mailing plates.

Including Necessary Documentation

The DMV will likely require paperwork when receiving plates through the mail. This usually includes:

  • A completed vehicle registration form
  • Proof of valid insurance
  • A signed title or bill of sale if transferring ownership

Make sure to contact the DMV about exactly what documents must accompany your mailed plates.

Following Up After Mailing Plates

Don’t assume everything is complete once you drop off your package – follow up to confirm your plates were received and handled properly.

Contact the DMV a few days after expected delivery to check that your plates arrived and paperwork is in order. This helps resolve any issues promptly.

Key Things to Remember

Mailing license plates is possible but requires following some key steps:

  • Verify it’s allowed in your state
  • Package plates securely between cardboard
  • Ship using USPS, UPS or FedEx with tracking
  • Include necessary DMV documents
  • Follow up to confirm receipt of your plates

With the right preparation, you can successfully send your plates through the mail. Just be sure to check all regulations and package them carefully!

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